After two false starts, the 3rd cycle of treatment is finally underway. I was admitted this morning and chemo started this evening. More on that soon. In the meantime, my interview with Senior Lovin was published.
Cancer is going down!
When were you diagnosed with Leukemia?
I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia on November 5th, 2014 at Diamond Children’s Hospital. I originally was admitted to Tucson Medical Center to be treated for Chronic Migraines, but a blood test revealed that I was extremely anemic and my immune system was compromised causing them to transfer me by ambulance to Diamond. The morning after arriving at Diamond Children’s I was given a bone marrow biopsy that showed 33% of my bone marrow to be cancerous as well as a lumbar puncture with chemo to prevent the cancer from spreading to my spine and brain. AML Leukemia is very rare in children, it is most commonly found in people over the age of 65. Currently there are 230 adolescents ages 15-19 battling AML.
Tell us what was going through your mind when you were diagnosed.
When my doctor told me I had leukemia I was in complete shock and almost refused to believe it. I feared not graduating on time, hair loss and of course dying. I was confused out of my mind, I wondered why I was chosen to fight this battle and how I was going to survive.
Read more of this interview at Senior Living ››